Before and After School Care

St James CE Primary School offers wrap around care from 7:45am to 6:00pm. This is provided by our Before and After School Clubs which are run by school staff. Close links between teaching and before/after school staff ensure continuity of care for your child. All school polices and procedures are followed and the clubs are only available to pupils at St James CE Primary School.

Breakfast Club

We run a Breakfast Club from 7.45am until the beginning of the school day in the Studio and Hall.  Children come to school and have breakfast and play games together.


There is a small charge for this provision and children need to be registered in advance. The current charge is £3.00 per day.


Families in receipt of Pupil Premium are eligible to a fully funded place at Breakfast Club. 


After School Club

We offer an After School Club that is available from 3.15 until 6.00pm, Monday to Friday.  Children are collected from their classrooms, have a drink and snack and spend time in indoor and outdoor play and other activities such as painting, craft, computers etc. They are supervised by trained and qualified staff who plan an endless variety of activities for them. After School Club is based in school and fully utilises the school grounds for outdoor activities.


There is a charge for this provision and children need to be registered in advance.  The current charge is £7.00 per day.


Places in both Breakfast and After School Club are limited and a waiting list may be in operation on some days.


For further details, or to register an interest, please contact the school office.