Contact Details

Sarah Beach - Headteacher

St James CE Primary School

Harlestone Road

St James



View map of school and local area

Telephone: 01604 751475


Or please contact the Trust's Communications Officer, Ben Peck, on 07713 517393


Parents are asked not to bring their cars into the school site for safety reasons.  Exceptions to this are school-transport taxis and blue badge holders, who are asked to park in the small front car park (immediately on the left as you drive in).


Disabled access is either through the front door, or through the Community Entrance (wheelchair accessible).

Other key people you may want to contact are:


Mrs Pip Jeyes-Blackburn, Chair of the Academy Governance Committee, via the school office or email:

PDET, Bouverie Court, The Lakes NN4 7YD  01604 887006/887056

Mrs Karen Hobbs, SENDCO:

Mrs Sarah Beach, Headteacher:


Alternatively, please email Jo or Laura in the school office on, and you will be contacted shortly.