Young Ambassadors
This year, over 30 children applied to be Ambassadors for the school.
Ambassadors are very important young people at St James. They are primarily fantastic role models to all our children and they support Mrs Beach and other staff to improve St James and make it an even better school to attend.
Key Roles and Responsibilities:
- Helping with Celebration Gathering by welcoming parents and supporting children.
- Helping with charity days such as Macmillan, Red Nose Day.
- Identifying other, community charities to support.
- Developing policies such as Anti-Bullying Policy.
- Being part of the Online Safety Group and representing children’s views.
- Being a nominated representative for a year group / class to collect their views.
- Helping to make decisions about improvements in the school e.g. Meat-Free Mondays.
- Representing the school with visitors and showing them around school.
- And anything else we decide to do!
National Young Leadership Group
Ambassadors from St James have been selected as one of only four schools to represent the Diocese of Peterborough in the Church of England Young Leadership Group.
This involves termly meetings with other schools across the country to discuss social justice and responsibility and how, as children, they can have an impact in their local community to ensure 'flourishing futures.'
The Ambassadors have decided to focus on three projects in the local community:
- Supporting the Three Pillars Charity - based at our local St James Church. This organisation, run by Aaron, provides hot meals to local families in need and those without a home. It also provides food parcels and a clothing bank.
- Taking part in litter picking in the local area. In collaboration with the Northants Wombles, the Ambassadors are encouraging each year group to take part in a litter pick annually. This both serves the local community as well as increasing awareness and commitment to a brighter future.
- Making good use of the local community library. The local library has re-opened in The Doddridge Centre. By encouraging classes to visit, the Ambassadors hope that children will visit at other times with their families, improving their own reading as well as supporting this local group.