Year 4
Welcome to Year 4
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Recommended Reading for Year 4
We expect children to read at home at least three times a week. We encourage children to read books, comics, newspapers, magazines, recipes, manuals, play scripts, song lyrics, poetry, websites and even books they write themselves.
Below is a list of websites and recommended books for your child’s age group. Some of these books are ideal for adults to read to your children and others would be great for children to read themselves. For more information about each of these books, click on the links:
More Information about Year 4
Remember to hear your child read at least three times a week as this is such an important life skill for the children to have. If your child is a good reader, it is still important to have a discussion with them about what they are reading and encourage them to read a wide variety of books. Your child can complete the reading record themselves to record the book they are reading and just ask you to sign. They will get carrot reward points for completing their reading records every week. Reading Records are collected in and checked every Monday morning.
Every Tuesday the children have their P.E lesson. They need to make sure that they come to school dressed in their PE kit which is a pale blue T-shirt (available from the office), black shorts, dark tracksuit when colder. No branded sports kit, please and no earrings.
The MyMaths app provides a fun way for your child to practise their maths skills. Please let us know if the level of questions appears to be too easy or too hard and we can reset the level of questions. Please also let us know if you have any log-on difficulties. New Mymaths are set each Tuesday.
Spellings - Common Exception Words
The expectation for the attainment of children in Year 4 has grown massively. In writing, children are expected to spell high frequency words, or common exception words (words we can't use our sounds to spell) correctly. Below is a list of all the words they should be spelling correctly in their independent writing. We will be sending home lists with a range of these spellings on for them to practise ready for their weekly test. In their homework books they are expected to choose a word from the list and write a short paragraph about it.
Statutory Times Tables Check
Statutory Assessment
Times tables will be checked as an online test in June. All times tables up to 12 x 12 will be tested in order to help them be fluent with maths which is essential for their future success. It will be an on screen test consisting of 25 times tables questions. The test will take only 5 minutes to complete.
Children can practise by visiting: