Year 6

Welcome to Year 6

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Our Year 6 teaching team is Miss Nurcombe, Mrs Moore, Mrs Read, Miss Robinson, and Miss Nicholls.

Home Learning

We expect children to read three times a week minimum at home. Your child can use this book to tell us about the books they have been reading at home as a book review.


SpellingFrame is an online spelling programme to practice the spellings set each week. Spellings are usually set on a Wednesday.  Your child has a log in for Spelling Frame in their home learning book


Alongside practising on SpellingFrame, your child should complete a short piece (one page max) of writing each week using a few words from the spelling list as a prompt. Try to be as creative as possible with a focus on cohesion, grammar and handwriting. (Don’t forget the All-Time Toolkit!) Writing should usually be handed in on a Wednesday.  


MyMaths is an online homework programme where tasks and activities are set each week. New activities will usually be set on a Monday for completion by Monday.  Your child has a log in for My Maths in their home learning book.  


TTRockstars is a timetables programme to also use at home.  Your child has a log in for TTRockstars in their home learning book.  


Year 6 Long Term Map and Termly Plans

SATs Information

Year 6 is a key moment in your child’s life; they will develop more independence, a huge amount of resilience and, most importantly, they should become very aware of who they are as both learners and as young adults.


Firstly, no guide to Year 6 would be complete without some mention of the SATs, the assessment tasks that all Year 6 pupils sit in May of each year. The results of these will determine whether your child has met the ‘expected’ level in English and maths. These tests consist of a paper on Reading, a paper on Grammar, Spelling & Punctuation and three papers on Maths. Teachers will also collect samples of writing throughout the year to inform their assessment on writing levels.


A lot of parents have asked what they could be doing at home to help with the SATs preparation and so here are some websites and attachments that could help:

BBC has some great videos on different topics whether it be in maths or literacy. They’re easy and fun to understand.

KIRFs (Key Instant Recall Facts) are designed to support the development of the mental skills that underpin much of the maths work in school.  Instant recall facts help enormously with mental agility within maths lessons. When children move onto written calculations, knowing these facts can be very beneficial.  Each child will have a termly handout which sets out their KIRF and other facts which can be practiced at home.  This means that the work at school can be supported at home.  

Recommended Reading for Year 6

We regularly read a variety of books from Pie Corbett's Reading Spine as either part of our daily whole class read or for children to dip in to when they choose from bookshelves in our classes. Here, you can see the books your child might experience in other year groups too. 

We expect children to read at home at least three times a week. We encourage children to read books, comics, newspapers, magazines, recipes, manuals, play scripts, song lyrics, poetry, websites and even books they write themselves. 


Below is a list of websites and recommended books for your child’s age group. Some of these books are ideal for adults to read to your children and others would be great for children to read themselves. For more information about each of these books, click on the links.

Spelling - Common Exception Words

The expectation for the attainment of children in Year 6 has grown massively.  In writing, children are expected to spell high frequency words, or common exception words (words we can't use our sounds to spell) correctly. Below is a list of all the words they should be spelling correctly in their independent writing. We will be sending home lists with a range of these spellings on for them to practise ready for their fortnightly test. Children will also be tested on a range of these words at the end of KS2.