Year 2
Welcome to Year 2
Year 2 Long Term Map and Termly Plans
Important information for year 2!
Our PE day is Thursday. Children should come to school dressed in their PE kit with any earrings removed or covered with plasters. Please ensure your child has a named water bottle with them.
We change reading books on a Tuesday. We are happy to change books as many times as needed during the week if your child asks us but we will ensure that all books are changed on Tuesdays. Please make sure that your child has their reading book and home communication book in school every day.
We review our spellings on a Tuesday and a new list will be sent home on Thursday for the following week. We do not test the children - we practise the words in school and they are part of our phonics rotation. We send them home so that you can practise them with your child if you wish. Please remember to ask your child to sound out and body blend the words - perhaps you can join in with them!
Reading in year 2
It is vitally important that the children read at home with an adult. Please try to read with your child at least 3 times a week - although the more the merrier! We encourage children to read books, comics, newspapers, magazines, recipes, manuals, play scripts, song lyrics, poetry, websites and even books they write themselves. It does not have to be the whole book - a couple of pages a day is fine! Remember to ask lots of questions to check your child has understood what they have read. Regular reading at home will help your child make good progress in school!
Below is a list of websites recommended books for your child’s age group. Some of these books are ideal for adults to read to your children and others would be great for children to read themselves. For more information about each of these books, click on the following links:
Have you ever wondered what reading should look and sound like at the end of Year 2? Here is a clip to show you...Have you ever wondered what reading should look and sound like at the end of Year 2? Here is a clip to show you...
KIRFs (Key Instant Recall Facts) are designed to support the development of the mental skills that underpin much of the maths work in school. Instant recall facts help enormously with mental agility within maths lessons. When children move onto written calculations, knowing these facts can be very beneficial. Each child will have a termly handout which sets out their KIRF and other facts which can be practiced at home. This means that the work at school can be supported at home.
My Maths
My maths is an online website that allows your child to practise maths skills they have learnt in school and improve their recall of number facts. Your child has been given a password and username so that they can access the site. We will set 2 pieces of homework on a Tuesday and will check to see if these have been completed by the following Tuesday. If your child is struggling then encourage them to watch the lesson available to see if this helps. If your child has forgotten their password, please speak to their class teacher.
Times Table Rockstars
Your child has a log in and password for Times table rockstars. If they practise regularly they may be able to reach "Rock Hero" status and celebrate in our Friday celebration gathering. They can also challenge their friends and even their teachers!
Common Exception Words
The expectation for the attainment of children in Year 2 has grown massively. In writing, children are expected to spell high frequency words, or common exception words (words we can't use our sounds to spell) correctly. Below is a list of all the words they should be spelling correctly in their independent writing. We will be sending home lists with a range of these spellings on for them to practise ready for their fortnightly test.
SATs and End of Year expectations
The children will be assessed on Maths, Writing, SPaG (Spelling, Puncation and Grammer) and Reading. Please see the documents below to see what the teachers are looking for to asses the children Working Towards, At Expected and Working Above Expected.
If you would like any further information about these expectations then please feel free to speak to your class teacher.